• The annual Kennett Square Holiday Light parade is this Saturday, Nov. 30 beginning at 7 p.m. The parade route is north on Broad Street from Cypress Street to State Street, then west on State to Mill Road. At the end of the parade, Santa will light the borough Christmas Tree. Parking restrictions along the parade route begin at 5 p.m. with road closures beginning at 6. Free parking is available at the garage from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m., compliments of Longwood Gardens & Kennett Collaborative.

• The Chester County History Center will share a spirit of unity and togetherness with the inaugural Season of Lights event, a celebration for all community members to share the warmth of the holiday season. Season of Lights will display the rich culture of Chester County’s diverse population. Twinkling lights, festive displays, decorated trees, international cuisine, and multicultural activities for all family members will immerse visitors in a multi-sensory experience that transcends cultural boundaries. Lights On! tickets are $25 for adults and $12 for children aged 2-12. Lights On! takes place Sunday, Dec. 1 at 3:30 p.m. Get tickets here.

• Coming to the Playhouse on Rodney Square for one performance only is A Magical Cirque Christmas. That performance is Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. Loaded with nostalgia, charm, comedy, music, and magic, A Magical Cirque Christmas makes a perfect date night, fun family adventure or group outing. The show’s world-acclaimed entertainers take audiences on a winter wonderland journey, immersing them in the spirit of the season and dazzling guests with their incredible talents. Tickets can be purchased online at TheGrandWilmington.org or by calling 302-888-0200.
• The Brandywine Pops Orchestra will present a free concert Monday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. at St. Cornelius Church Parish Life Center, 160 Ridge Road, Chadds Ford. The Pops Orchestra consists of 56 musicians from the local area. An entertaining program of holiday music will be presented.

• The next Science Saturday at Hagley Museum is Saturday, Dec. 14 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Why does a sled move fast down a snowy hill, but barely moves on the same hill without snow? Create your own sledding track to test your skills. Visitors of all ages are invited to discover solutions to science and engineering challenges. This is a drop-in activity, feel free to join the fun anytime. Activities are included in admission and are free for Hagley members. Go here for Hagley general admission.
