With the bulk of the discussion having already taken place during the last few months, Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board director unanimously approved the purchase of five electric school buses.
Director Raski Akki, who motioned for the vote, said the five buses cost $1,909,697, but that three grants would bring the cost to the district down to $397,697. And it was the grant money that helped make the vote 9-0.
Brian Schartz, of Chadds Ford and one of the directors representing Region C, said that’s what brought him over.
“I had misgivings about electric buses, primarily from an economic standpoint, primarily for some time. What obviously sways me tonight is the level of grant money we have behind this particular procurement is so compelling that it really makes it easy for me to vote yes,” Schartz said.
He added that such a decision might not be as easy at a later date if the grant money isn’t available.
Mary Kate Loomis, representing Region B which includes Newlin, Pocopson, and Birmingham townships, said the grants and the district administration helped her decide to buy the buses.
“I know that our administration has full confidence in this, and I have full confidence in them so that goes into my decision to go forward with this,” she said. “And, obviously the bottom line — the financial aspect — makes it a heck of a lot easier.”
Electric buses aren’t the only reason the board is looking at grants. Directors also voted unanimously to apply for a solar grant. Getting the grant would cost $5,900. If the district gets the grant, the money will go toward a solar array on the roof of the high school and be capable of offsetting 25 percent of the high school's energy usage — approximately $71,000 per year.
Akki said it would cost about $1 million to put in the panels but, as with the buses, the grant money would lower the district’s cost.
“We have the potential to get a $300,000 grant. On top of that,” she added, “we have the potential to get inflation reduction act money, make for a reasonably good financial decision to produce our own electricity.”
She added that there is more to do, but that this is the first step. A final decision will come later.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.