David Dodge wants parking space

David Dodge needs more parking for overflow inventory and a nearby property owner wants to help, but will Chadds Ford Township allow it? It’s up to the Zoning Hearing Board to decide.

The car dealership already has several off-site parking areas for overflow inventory vehicles — one of them in Olde Ridge Village and another farther down Route 202 in Concord Township— but more spaces are needed, according to Leah Kordeck, the controller for David Dodge.

Kordeck testified during a zoning hearing Tuesday night that the dealership has roughly 900 cars with only 385 parking spaces for inventory at its Route 202 location.

Carlino Commercial Development, the owner of the William Bunch Auction House property, is willing to lease space to David Dodge to help. However, Carlino would need a variance to make that happen.

According to Chirag Thakkar, Carlino’s engineer, there are 114 paved and lined parking spaces at the Bunch site and 30 would be available for the auction house, leaving 84 spaces available in addition to more than 14,000 square feet of graveled spaces behind the building.

Thakkar and Carlino’s President Peter Miller both testified that there would be no modifications to the site, that there would be no vehicle maintenance performed at the location, nor would any sales take place there. In addition, cars would be moved in and out individually when they needed to be brought to or from the dealership.

Thakkar called the proposal “the most benign use” of the property.

Miller also said that they would agree to have no more than 84 cars on that site.

The hearing closed after about an hour with no decision made. ZHB Chairman Bob Reardon said a decision would be announced within 45 days. The next zoning hearing is scheduled for Oct. 22.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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