Pennsbury Township supervisors reversed their decision and have now denied the application for a bed and breakfast for the Gables restaurant. That reversal came during the board’s May 15 meeting.
Gables’ owners Ann Kolenik and Alfredo Giannaccari sought conditional use approval to have a B&B at 1301 Brintons Bridge Road. There are two structures: the former Brandywine View Antiques store and an adjacent carriage house.
According to township solicitor Tom Oeste, the approval granted on April 17 was reversed because the applicants filed an appeal of the conditions initially agreed to at the conditional use hearing.
Oeste said, “That [original] decision was approved subject to 30 conditions, but the decision provided that if the applicant did not accept the conditions or took an appeal, then the application was denied, and the board would issue a supplementary decision with findings of fact and conclusions of law.”
He continued by saying the applicant “failed to prove that they comply with the objective criteria in the zoning ordinances for a bed and breakfast.”
Oeste could not specify what conditions were being objected to because he didn’t have that paperwork with him at the meeting but said they objected to roughly half of them. However, he did say Kolenik and Giannaccari would likely continue their appeal and appeal the reversal.
Neither Kolenik nor Giannaccari attended the May 17 meeting. Chadds Ford Live phoned their attorney Lee Stivale, but he was not available for comment by press time. We will update the story when he responds.
The original approval story can be found here.
Other business
Township Manager Kathy Howley reported that PEMA has acknowledged the recommendation to appoint Michael Pisano as Pennsbury’s emergency management coordinator. Now, the township is waiting to hear of the final approval from the governor’s office. Pisano has been serving as the acting emergency management coordinator for the past year.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.