Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night took action on two land-use applications Monday night. One of the properties in question borders Chadds Ford Township on Webb Road and the other involves the Dilworthtown Inn complex.
Painter House Suites wants to turn a former house, owned by the late Jim Barnes into a restaurant. Barnes was the owner of the Dilworthtown Inn, the Inn Keepers Kitchen, and The Blue Pear. The house in question is at 225 Brintons Bridge Road.
Attorney Ryan Furlong, representing Painter House, said changing the house to a restaurant is minor and should be exempt from the routine land development review process.
“This project involves some very minor parking lot and site circulation improvements,” he said. Part of the change would be to close the vehicular access to Brintons Bridge Road.
Engineer Jim Fritsch, of Regester Associates, said the house is an historic resource and is one of three separate tax parcels in question, one on Old Wilmington Pike and two on Brintons Bridge Road. The total acreage of the three parcels is 4.083 acres and is zoned Historic Commercial.
He said there are 109 parking spaces required for the new restaurant and The Blue Pear sites involved, but the plan calls for 118. Potential parking for the Dilworthtown Inn was not discussed because there are no plans for the inn at this time. Fritsch added that the township zoning officer said the plan meets all requirements and that the Planning Commission recommends waiving the land development process for the project to convert the house into a restaurant.
The board agreed to waive land development 2-0 with one abstention. Supervisor Michael Shiring recused himself because he and Furlong work for the same law firm. Shiring also recused himself from the vote on the other land use application for the same reason.
That other land use application involves a 20-acre property at 541 Webb Road. There is one home on the property now, and plans call for the property to be subdivided to add four new homes. The new lots will range in size from 2.6 acres to 3.5 acres. The lot size for the current home will be on a lot of almost 6 acres.
Engineer Scott Deisher, of JMR Engineering said the township Planning Commission recommended approval, PennDOT has approved a Highway Occupancy Permit for the driveway, and sewage permitting has been approved. Sewage will be handled with onsite septic and water will be from wells on the properties.
The measure passed 2-0.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.