Lee Weersing, president of the Concordville Fire and Protective Association gave Concord Township Council an update on the number of calls Concordville has responded to so far this year. He said there have been 40 fire calls in Concord Township during March, out of 78 in all the municipalities the fire company covers. That’s out of 297 calls for the year to date.
But there are ambulance calls on top of the fire calls, he said. There were 92 calls for basic life support in Concord Township for March. Local intensive care and advanced life support totaled 152 calls.
“That’s 244 out of 387 calls that we responded to during the month. So far, our total runs for the year for ambulance and EMS were 1,231 which puts us ahead of last year which was about 4,100,” he said.
Weersing added that a 2009 utility truck was replaced with a 2024 model. There’s also a new ambulance. The old one was a 2019 model but that had to be replaced because it averaged 117 miles per day. The new one cost $310,000.
Other business
• Township Manager said during the April 2 meeting that work should start in early May on a deceleration lane on Route 1 as it approaches Schoolhouse Lane. PennDOT already approved the Highway Occupancy permit for that project which would make for a safer right-hand turn on Schoolhouse.
The call to improve that intersection followed a fatal accident there in December of 2020. Township Council had thought a traffic light would be the best solution, but PennDOT said no. (Go here for that story.)
• Council Co-Vice President John Gillespie said the township would be advertising for bids for the 2024 Road Program. Roads included this year are Temple Road, between Smithbridge and South Meadow Run, Kohn Larkin Drive and Pennrose Talley, Gov. Markham Drive, and Summit Avenue. There’s also a bid alternative to include Peters Lane and Thatcher’s Circle.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.