Concord Township residents will see a slight increase in their tax bills for 2024 even though the township property tax rate will remain the same. The increase is due to a hike in the fire tax, going from 0.044 mils to 0.697 mils. (A mil is a tax of $1 for every $1,000 in assessed property value.
Council President Dominic Pileggi explained the reason for the increase.
“It’s unfortunate when we ever have to raise taxes, and taxes will be increasing by 5 percent, which is approximately $80,000.”
He went on to say that members of the Concordville Fire and Protective Assn. had made a “compelling” case for needing more money to maintain a high level of service with a continued shortage of volunteers.
“The department is now primarily a paid department, and they need more money. So, this $80,000 in extra funds will go directly to the fire department,” he said.
Pileggi added that with the township population growing and people expecting more and deserving more service from government, the township should look at more ways of increasing Concord’s revenues.
But Pileggi also put the increase in perspective. He said the increase would amount to about $11 per year per property.
“I was driving up Route 202 and saw all those cars lined up at Starbucks and I would think there are some residents in Concord who probably spend that in one day at Starbucks.”
Total millage rates for the $4 million-plus budget are 0.064 for the library, 0.061 for fire hydrants, 0.0697 for fire protection services, 0.139 for open space, and 0.206 for general purposes for a total real estate levy of 0.5397 mils.
Other business
• Council authorized the township engineer to study a possible four-way stop sign at Evergreen and Byers drives. As reported here, that idea arose during a conditional use hearing on Terrain’s request for outdoor dining.
That discussion included the idea of a second driveway farther south along Terrain’s property on Evergreen, across from Byers, making a straight-through lane between Terrain and the Concordville Town Center.
• Council approved renewed ground lease agreements for five people (three parties) currently renting two parcels of township land, one piece for keeping a total of five horses, and the other for 40 goats and three sheep. All the leases are for one year, from Jan. 1, 2024, through Dec. 31, 2024.
• Council also voted to apply for a state grant on behalf of Newlin Grist Mill so the mill can elevate its visitor center to prevent the building from flooding.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.