Teaming up for a manhunt

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State police and other state, county and federal agents monitor computer screens at Pop-Mar-Lin Fire Co. which is being used as a command center in the search for Cavalcante.

Roughly a dozen law enforcement organizations from federal, state, and county governments continue hunting for Danelo Cavalcante, the convicted murderer who escaped from Chester County Prison on Aug. 31. The Brazilian native escaped a week after being sentenced to life in prison for the stabbing death of his girlfriend. He stabbed her 38 times after she threatened to talk about the other murder he is wanted for in Brazil.

In addition to state police and Chester County detectives, sheriff’s deputies, and emergency personnel, there are also FBI agents, Customs and Border Patrol personnel, and U.S. Marshals involved. There are also civilian support units providing assistance with technological services.

The search includes police on foot and on horseback, search dogs, and aerial surveillance.

Lt. Col. George Bivens, who is heading up the search, said the 34-year-old Cavalcante is still in the eight- to 10-square-mile wooded area south of the prison located in Pocopson Township. He acknowledged that Cavalcante knows how to survive in the woods since he spent a lot of time in the jungle areas of Brazil.

State police Lt. Col George Bivens points to the area of the search perimeter. The blue numbers and letters indicate which patrol units are involved. He said not all containment resources are shown on the map, only those of the Pennsylvania State Police.

“We have a lot of information that was previously gleaned about his background in Brazil,” Bivens said. “I think we’re in pretty good shape there…He came from a very poor background and he’s not foreign to hardship. After the crime he committed down there, he did something very similar to this in the jungle down there. So, it’s not surprising to me that he’s been able to last out there.”

He added that the search in Brazil was not intense, and he was able to slip away after a period of time. One thing Bivens would not disclose is how Cavalcante was able to flee to Puerto Rico from Brazil, and then make it to Chester County. He said he knows but is not ready to release that information.

The Friday morning press conference was held at the Po-Mar-Lin Fire Co. which is being used as a command center for the search. It was done as a tour for reporters to see parts of the operation. One room at the firehouse was off-limits because of undercover agents there. However, in another room, dozens of law enforcement personnel were seen monitoring computer screens showing information from many video cameras, public and private. There were also maps showing the current status of the search perimeter and many, but not all, of the patrol units along that perimeter.

As previously reported, Cavalcante is considered dangerous and should not be approached if spotted. He is 5 feet tall, weighs 120 pounds, and has dark hair. Residents in the area should secure their property, locking house doors, and car doors, and making sure outbuildings are also secure.

A reward of up to $20,000 is available for information leading to the capture of Danelo Cavalcante. Anyone with information is asked to call the tip line at 717-562-2987 or call 911.

Lt. Col. Bivens addresses the press before leading a tour of the command center.
A helicopter takes off from Po-Mar-Lin to get back to the search.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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