Concord Township has its budget for 2022, and there’s no tax increase. Council passed the budget during the Dec. 7 meeting. The budget is balanced, with anticipated revenues and expenditures at $3,999,150.
Highlighting the revenue, $1.355 million comes from all taxes, with $662,490 from real estate taxes. Another $422,500 in revenue comes from business licenses and permits, while another $653,500 comes from building, electrical, plumbing, and other public safety permits.
On the expense side of the ledger, $465,145 goes toward township administration, $342,150 for code enforcement, and $278,890 for public safety, planning, and zoning.
The total millage rate on property taxes is 0.514 mils. That breaks down to 0.064 mils for the library fund, 0.061 for fire hydrants, 0.044 for fire protection services, 0.139 for open space, and 0.206 for general purposes. A mil is a tax of $1 for every $1,000 of assessed value.
The full detailed budget — which includes sewer, tree, open space, highway, open space reserve, capital reserve, fire hydrant, and library funds can be found here.
Other business
During the meeting, Township engineer Nate Cline said that the township has been in contact with PennDOT regarding improvements for the intersection of Route 1 and Schoolhouse Road. A packet of information is ready for PennDOT, including desired plans for a left-turn restriction from southbound Round 1, traffic signal modifications at Route 1 and Stoneybank Road, Route 1 and Cheyney Road, and a four-way stop sign at Cheyney and Trimble. Other requests will follow.
A new feature has been added to Concord’s website called Public Packet. It includes the documents — in draft form ‑ that the council members will be dealing with during their meetings. The public packet link is found under the Agendas & Meetings link on the home page. After clicking on Public Packet, there’s a link in red for each document under consideration. Township Manager Amanda Serock said Public Packet would be updated on the Monday before the Tuesday council meeting.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.