In its first in-person meeting since March 2020, Concord Council recognized the efforts of several volunteer organizations. Council members gave formal recognition to Concordville Fire Co. and to members of Girl Scout Troop 5925.
The Girl Scouts were recognized for building and then installing 14 birdhouses in township parks. In reading the resolution, Councilwoman Dana Rankin named 13 scouts, saying they all earned their Bronze Award for the project.
“Be it resolved that Concord Township Council commends and thanks Girl Scout Troop 5925 for completing this great project and earning your Bronze Award and encourages each girl to continue with her commitment to excellence…,” Rankin said.
But Council also recognized the work of Concordville Fire Co. for its efforts in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Councilwoman Vinita Deshmukh read the resolution., saying the company responded to 990 fire calls and 3,304 EMS calls during 2020 while adhering to strict protocols required due to COVID.
In so doing, Deshmukh said, Concordville first responders risked their own personal safety “to save the lives of our residents during the pandemic. Therefore, Concord Township Council commends Concordville Fire and Ambulance Association first responders for their bravery and care during COVID-19.”
Association President Lee Weerssing thanked Council and acknowledged that it had been a difficult year for the responders and said it was fortunate that they had no in-house COVID cases themselves, something that other fire and EMS companies couldn’t say. It was why Concordville was able to continue its mission without interruption.
Weersing added that if COVID comes back, “We’re ready.”
Other business
Township engineer Nate Cline said he expects to hear from PennDOT within the next few weeks about getting approval for a traffic light for the intersection of Route 1 and Schoolhouse Lane. Cline said he had a meeting with representatives from PennDOT and state Rep. Craig Williams on the matter.
Cline also said the 2021 Road Program will begin during the week of Aug. 9 and should take most of the month. Council awarded the $700,000 contract to A.F. Damon earlier this summer, and Damon will contact residents several days before it starts work on their streets.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.