Chadds Ford Township engineer Mike Schneider was clear: "It's still in the concept design stage." That concept, which still needs full approval, engineering, and some land acquisition, is a PennDOT plan to improve the intersection of Routes 1 and 202.
Schneider, of Pennoni Engineering, gave a brief presentation on the plan during the April 7 Board of Supervisors' meeting. He said it's a PennDOT-funded project with a $2.6 million budget for roadway improvements "at and around the intersection of 202 and 1, which, as we know, is the most heavily traveled intersection in this area, possibly in the state."
Urban Engineers is working on the design for PennDOT, and Schneider said they're looking for public feedback. A copy of the plan will be posted on the Chadds Ford and Concord townships' websites for review since the work involves both townships. Schneider added that they are not yet sure how Urban wants to receive comments.
"There will be more public comments and input to come" in future meetings, he said, and there will eventually be a complete presentation from PennDOT and its consultants.
Highlights of the idea include widening the eastbound lanes of Route 1 just before Route 202 to create a combination right turn and straight through lane at the Sunoco station. Some land would need to be taken from that gas station to create that new traffic lane.
There would also be a second left-turn lane on northbound 202 at Route 1, and the left turn lane from westbound Route 1 onto Dickinson Drive would be eliminated.
Farther north on 202, at its intersection with Brandywine and State Farm drives, dedicated left-turn lanes will be installed. The straight thru lanes at those two side streets would also be realigned.
There would also be changes at Route 1 and State Farm Drive/Applied Card Way. The free flow right turn lane from westbound Route 1 onto State Farm Drive would be changed. The right turn would be controlled with a traffic light, and the small island would be removed.
Schneider also said the current concrete islands in the vicinity of the main intersection would be changed to landscaped islands.
He again stressed that the project is still a concept, not even in the design stage yet. He will provide more information as it becomes available.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.