• Sandrine Haab, of Chadds Ford, was named to the Dean's List at Lehigh University in the Fall 2020 semester. Dean’s list status goes to students who earned a scholastic average of 3.6 or better while carrying at least 12 hours of regularly graded courses.
• Macklin Fishman, of Chadds Ford, a member of the Colgate University Class of 2023, has earned the fall 2020 Dean's Award with Distinction. Fishman is an English major. Students who receive a term grade point average of 3.6 or higher while completing at least three courses during the fall 2020 semester earn the Dean's Award with Distinction.
• Madison Caccese, of Chadds Ford, was named to the Dean's Commendation List at Gettysburg College for Fall 2020. Students with a quality point average in the range of 3.3 to 3.599 for a semester's work are placed on the list.
