Rose Tree Park will once again welcome visitors with glimmering lights at night during December.
Delaware County’s annual Festival of Lights began more than four decades ago as part of the nation’s Bicentennial celebration and became a popular local tradition for residents of all ages. Over time, the outdoor displays have grown from 50 decorated trees — one for each municipality and one large one to represent the county— to more than 75 lighted trees and dozens of festive figures, including toy soldiers, a gingerbread family, and Santa’s reindeer.
“We’re thrilled to host this wonderful event every year in Rose Tree Park,” said Marc Manfre, the director of DelCo’s Parks and Recreation. “It’s a community favorite and tradition for residents of all ages.”
But, as with many things this year, there have been some modifications due to COVID. They include:
- Six-foot distancing among guests must be maintained;
- Masks must be worn;
- Directional arrows will direct foot traffic to flow in only one direction on the sidewalks in the display area;
- The park will stay open for an extra hour each night to provide more flexibility for those who wish to avoid the peak visitation times (weekends around 7 p.m.).
“This is a fun and safe way for residents to get into the holiday spirit and enjoy some outdoor and socially distanced festivities,” said Delaware County Councilwoman Elaine Paul Schaefer. “Grab your mask, hat, and gloves, and come out to enjoy the beautiful display.”
The Festival of Lights runs nightly from 5-10 p.m., Dec. 4 through Jan.3. Admission and parking are free. Handicapped parking is available. For park information please call 610-891-4455 or visit
