Adopt-a-Pet Oct. 12

You are currently viewing Adopt-a-Pet Oct. 12

The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester.



Rescued from a cruelty case with 34 other dogs, #7 is a typical hound dog. He loves long walks where he can smell the aromas surrounding him. This handsome boy is hoping for a name and a forever home where he can relax on the couch with his people. #7 is open to other dogs in the household and has been around cats. You can adopt #7 for a fee you name through Sunday, Oct. 18.



Adjusting to life in a shelter environment following the death of his long-term owner, Dante is an adventurous, independent, and curious cat. Personal space ranks high with this unique, self-reliant cat who can sometimes be aloof. Dante can be easily encouraged to leap and play with a feathered wand toy. Also, he's happy to just hang out without needing constant attention. Dante is hoping to spend his golden years in a home with adults who are sensitive to his age and needs. You can adopt Dante for a fee you name through Sunday, Oct. 18.

For more information, go to or phone 484-302-0865.

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