With Gov. Tom Wolf announcing this afternoon that all of Pennsylvania will be deemed in the yellow zone by June 5, Chester County Commissioners have issued the following statement:
We are pleased that the governor has responded to our appeal to relax restrictions in Chester County, and on June 5, Chester County can begin to move forward in a safe and cautious way.
Our “Restore Chester County” program is rolling out next week to begin preparing businesses and organizations to re-open and informing residents of all safety measures that employers are using to welcome employees and customers back without fear.
Caution is the watchword for our yellow phase. Thank you all for your efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 during our red phase. We know the inevitable question is when will we get to “green?” It is our goal that Chester County will move to the green phase no later than the end of June. But we must all continue to make every effort to contain the coronavirus. Wear masks; continue social distancing, work from home if you can, and continue all hygiene recommendations. Heed the yellow phase restrictions so that Chester County is ready to “go green” safely by the end of June.
