Online meetings and other reminders

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many cancelations, but some governmental meetings are continuing but only online, either through websites or Zoom.

The Chadds Ford Township Planning Commission will have its regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. on April 8, but the meeting will be held via Zoom. For instruction on how to join a Zoom meeting, go to The meeting ID is 825 942 769 and the password is 029863. The agenda may be found here.

Chadds Ford Township also reminds residents that there is no in-person tax collection at present. The township Sewer Authority is also reminding people to only flush toilet paper, not sanitizing wipes

“In order to avoid sewer backups and overflows as we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, please read the following reminder from the Chadds Ford Sewer Authority about what NOT to flush.

“With the recent temporary shortage of toilet paper and increased use of sanitizing wipes, this is a good time to remind everyone that just because something CAN be flushed, doesn’t mean it SHOULD be flushed. Flushing any kind of wipes – even those labeled as “flushable” – or other paper products like paper towels, paper napkins or even tissues can clog pipes and lead to internal and external pipe blockages and sewer emergencies.

“So please remember, whether you’re on public sewer or a private septic system, please don’t flush anything other than toilet paper to avoid unnecessary sewer and plumbing emergencies.”

In Concord Township, the municipal building remains closed to the public at least through April 10, but the April Council meeting, originally scheduled for April 7 has been rescheduled to 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 14. While the public can’t attend in person, the meeting will be live-streamed on the township website.

According to the township, residents will have the ability to call in for the meeting and ask questions during the public comment portion of the meeting.  Residents can also send their questions in advance via email to [email protected] to have their questions addressed during the meeting. Please include your name and address with your email.  All emailed comments will be accepted for this meeting until noon on April 14. Emailed comments deemed inappropriate will not be read into the public record.

All meeting information, including the call-in information, the live stream links, and the agenda will be posted on the Township’s website.

Additionally, Concord is reminding its residents:

In-person tax collection is canceled;
Township playgrounds are closed;
Township trails are open with social distancing;
The Easter Egg Hunt is canceled;
CRC Watersheds Stream Clean-up Day is postponed;
Township Recycling Day (Spring Event) is canceled.

Kennett Township is planning to have its April 15 Board of Supervisors meeting online, but details have not yet been released.

The Pennsbury Township Board of Supervisors’ meeting is still on the schedule for April 15, but it will be teleconferenced. Call 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter conference room #128-135-791. Please say your name when connected. People may also phone concerns and questions to township Manager Kathy Howley at 610-388-7323

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