Concord Township has extended its office closures to visitors through April 10. A press release said the staff is prepared to return to their offices on April 13 but, until then, all non-essential township business will be handled while employees work remotely from home.
Essential functions, such as sewer plant operations, will continue as normal. Residents are advised to contact Township staff via phone at 610-459-8911 by leaving messages for the appropriate staff members and/or via email. All correspondence will be responded to within 24 hours.
Although the building will remain closed, the township Council plans to host its regular public meeting on April 7. The meeting will be live-streamed, and remote public comment options will be made available. All other committee and board meetings are canceled during the month of April.
Township trails remain open, but residents are reminded to adhere to the governor’s request for social distancing and self- isolation. Park and pavilion rentals are canceled through April 13. Township playground structures and equipment are closed until further notice.
