Concord Township will be closing its office Monday afternoon. The office will remain closed through March 27. No visitors will be able to enter the building and routine business will be conducted by phone. Callers should leave a message and the call will be returned later.
Concord sent the following email Sunday evening, March 15:
"On Tuesday, March 17 at 9 a.m. Township Council will hold a brief live-streamed special meeting to consider a Resolution for an Emergency Declaration. This declaration is a standard document done during emergencies that will allow our elected leaders the ability to secure resources, access necessary funding, and to take extra measures to protect the public.
"Part of those measures include the township implementing its Continuity of Business Operations Plan in order to adhere to the governor’s request for non-essential businesses to close. Therefore, beginning on Monday the Township offices will be closed to visitors at 2 p.m. and will be closed through Friday, March 27. Staff is planned to return to the office on Monday, March 30. During this time, all non-essential township business will be handled while employees work from home. Essential functions, i.e. sewer plant operations, will continue as normal.
"While we intend to provide services as best we can, we request that demand for non-essential government services be minimized during the next several weeks. Residents are advised to contact Township staff via phone at 610-459-8911 by leaving messages for the appropriate staff members and/or via email. All correspondence will be responded to within 24 hours. Please visit our township website at to access staff information, information of closures and limited business operations plan, and for important notices regarding COVID-19 and the township’s response.
"We encourage all residents and business owners to listen to our public officials during this unprecedented time. It is important that we all remember the goal of social distancing is to stop the spread of the virus and to not overburden our first responders and medical facilities. We encourage everyone to stay calm, listen to suggested safety protocols, and to continue practicing preventive health measures both at home and in the public. We thank you for your cooperation during this time as we continue to work to protect the health, safety and welfare of our staff and residents."
Birmingham and Pennsbury township offices are closing as well. Birmingham Township website says it is scheduled to stay closed through April 6.
Kathy Howley, Pennsbury Township manager said in an email: "We are closing the office as of tomorrow [Monday, March 15.] – following Chester County protocol. All meetings are cancelled but public works will remain open as needed for now."
There's been no word yet from Chadds Ford Township.
