For almost 17 years, Dr. Jim Cesca, of Cesca Family Chiropractic, has been practicing out of the little strip mall just east of Painters Crossing Condominiums in Chadds Ford. This week he officially moved into another office in the Chadds Ford Business Campus. The new office is on the second floor — room 203 — at 1204 Baltimore Pike, the same building as Premier Orthopedics.
The move into that space was primarily a business move since 20 percent of his new patients have come from referrals from Premier. He thinks of the move as a “win-win-win” situation where his practice benefits, as does Premier’s, but the patient’s benefit as well.
“Moving here allows both businesses to practice more synergistically. And patients can just come upstairs.”
He added that the healthcare industry is moving into a new direction, one of complexes as opposed to just stand-alone offices. So, he said, “The move ties into what people are becoming used to.” He added that next to him on the second floor is an acupuncturist. “There’s a lot of synergy that can happen right in this building.”
While the move was based on a business decision, Cesca’s roots have remained what they were, but they have also grown.
“The fundamentals are still there, the fundamentals of spinal health,” he said, “but some of the approaches have changed... When I first started it was just chiropractic adjustments.”
The changes have come from the addition of incorporating traction — or decompression as he refers to it – and muscle work. He said those changes make his work more complete.
In talking about the muscle work, Cesca said it’s a matter of working with neuro-muscular-skeletal problems.
“Those three things are so intertwined you really can’t separate one from the others. Most people understand chiropractic adjustments deal with the skeletal system, the joints, but those joints are moved by the muscular system and that’s under control of the nervous system,” he said.
Cesca uses percussion massage and trigger point therapy in his muscle work. He likened the trigger point therapy to a form of acupressure. “You find the specific knot and apply sustained pressure.”
Traction, or decompression, comes in when dealing with certain types of problems. He said many people who sit for long periods of time wind up with lower backaches because the prolonged sitting compresses the lower spine. To relieve the discomfort, the spine needs to be decompressed.
For more information on Cesca Family Chiropractic, visit or phone 610-558-8992.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.