The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester.

Tiberius will fearlessly steal your heart if allowed. Tiberius enjoys people and will let you know when it’s time for a head rub. He’s easy-going, good-natured and playful, making him a good fit for most families. You can adopt this four-year-old for a fee you name through Sunday, Feb. 16.

Noodles is oodles of fun. Despite being deaf, she embraces every moment with a bright and happy outlook. This fun girl can’t get enough of her playtime with other dogs, where her puppy energy makes her a top-level playmate. Noodles spent some time in a foster home, where she lived with two other dogs and enjoyed doggie playdates at the park every weekend. She also showed she’s a smart girl, mastering house training, crate training and basic commands. This 1-year-old cutie can be adopted for just $14 through Feb. 16 in the shelter’s Big Love promotion for all large adult dogs (at least 1-year-old and at least 40 pounds
For more information, go to or phone 484-302-0865.
