• Haithm Abdou, Dakota Raymond and Kara Siemer, all from Chadds Ford, were named to the Fall 2018 Dean's List at University of the Sciences. Selection for this award is based on completing and passing all assigned courses with no grade below a "C" and attaining an academic average of at least 3.4 for courses taken in the fall of 2018.
• Christina Mercincavage, of Chadds Ford, was named to fall 2018 Dean's List at Elizabethtown College. Students on the dean's list are full-time undergraduate students who earn a semester grade point average of 3.60 or higher in 14 or more credit hours, of which at least 12 credits are letter-graded course work.
• Students at Chesterbrook Academy Preschool in Chadds Ford recently donated more than $250 to World Wildlife Fund. Throughout February, classrooms competed in a “Pennies for Polar Bears” fundraiser and collected donations that were used to adopt a polar bear through the organization. The students’ efforts will help the World Wildlife Fund preserve the existence of the species. At the close of the competition, the classroom with the most donations was awarded a certificate of achievement and a pizza party. Through this initiative, students learned the importance of caring for animals and protecting the environment.
• Morgan Nadin, of Chadds Ford, was 1-of-2 Kutztown University students to be named as award recipients representing KU's Honors Program during this summer's Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Honors Summer Study Abroad Program. Hosted by Bloomsburg University, junior anthropology major Kierra MacLeod and junior communication design major Morgan Nadin will visit various countries throughout Central Europe. During this year's trip, honors students from throughout the State System will be based at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and visit sites in Poland, Budapest and the Czech Republic. Students will take classes in "The European Jewish Experience: A Sociocultural Perspective," "The History of Architecture" and "Introduction to Central and EasternEurope."
