Some people go to a chiropractor because of back or neck pain. Others go for a sense of overall wellness. But Joseph Schneider, a chiropractor whose practice is in the Chadds Ford Business Campus, says his practice goes farther.
Schneider runs Hope Brain & Body Recovery Center at 6 Dickinson Drive and says he’s not just a chiropractor but a functional neurologist as well. His chiropractic adjustments are a part of his work with people who have suffered brain injuries, either through concussions, dementia or other causes.
“I treat people with hurt brains,” he said.

Schneider — who had a stroke of his own in 2017 — explained it’s a matter of restoring nerve function through exercise and rehabilitation therapies that help rewire the brain and its connection with nerves and the muscular-skeletal system.
“The nerves become strong and healthy again,” he said.
He starts with the premise that the brain is the master controller of the body, a concept he first became familiar with while working on his undergraduate degree in physics. His studies for his bachelor’s degree taught him about master control systems and he carried that understanding with him when he went to chiropractic college.
Schneider uses several modalities for diagnosing, testing and aiding recovery of brain injuries. There’s low-level laser therapy, harmonic vibration, electrical acupuncture, visual exercises and auditory stimulation that stimulate healing so the pathways between the brain and body resume firing properly.
He explained that the brain is plastic, meaning it has the ability to heal. Stimulating the mitochondria within a nerve enables them to grow, create new mitochondria so the neurons resume proper function and increase the number of connections. It’s a matter of removing interference. Mitochondria can reproduce because they have DNA, he said.
“Any interference with the nervous system causes control to weaken,” Schneider said. “If a nerve doesn’t fire well, the number of connections decreases.”
His modalities stimulate the mitochondria to create new connections.
His standard protocol requires two visits per week for 12 weeks. It’s not inexpensive, though. He said those 24 treatments can run $7,200 and is not covered by insurance.
He said it’s worth it, though, since an 18-year-old with a concussion can be restored to full function and become healthy and productive. Likewise, an 84-year-old who now has dementia after working all his life can regain joy for life as memories return because of the treatment.
Dr. Joseph Schneider can be reached at 610-544-9800 or at [email protected]. His office at 6 Dickinson Drive is in building 300, suite 310. His website is

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.