This month’s Exploring Hope column is a guest submission by Jonathan Hatt, a pastoral intern at Hope Presbyterian Church where regular columnist Will Stern is the pastor.
I was never an adventurous kid. I didn’t learn to swim until I was ten, which really isn’t shocking until I add that I lived on a resort island in Florida. Furthermore, I still refuse to step foot into an ocean, because sharks will obviously kill me. The first time I went on a rollercoaster, I was tricked into thinking it was an exhibit for mummies. And to this day, I am that annoying eater that says he is picky, but really that just means he doesn’t try new foods. I have spent my life isolated in my own bubble.
That is until I met Pastor Will at Hope Presbyterian Church.
When I first came to Philadelphia for seminary, I knew I wanted to get involved in church. I wanted all my ducks in a row for the next four years, and Will Stern was my first contact. Sadly, I had no idea that he lived an hour away from my house. Of course, I want to drive two hours multiple times a week; who wouldn’t? I rather have just stayed in my bubble than invested into something new.
But thankfully I did go.
And I didn’t just go; I kept going. In fact, I am now also interning at a church in Wilmington; and to this day, Pastor Will is one of the best friends I have ever had. Exactly one year ago (At least as I am writing this), I moved to Pennsylvania, and more than I could have planned has changed. My bubble was popped, and my fearful lifestyle was shattered.
You may not enjoy trying new things. You like your status quo, and you really don’t plan on changing that dynamic. Well, take comfort with me: I’m the president of that club. Trying new things is not easy, even something as simple as going to church. Yet Hope Presbyterian Church is filled with people trying something new. None of us have it together; that is exactly what the point of church is!
Hope Presbyterian Church meets every Sunday, reminding each other that our lives are beyond ourselves. We are all called past a sedentary life. At Hope, we get to explore together the God who sustains our lives. If you are ready to pop your stationary bubble, come join us at the Darlington Arts Center every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Everyone at Hope is trying something new, even I am! We don’t come to church to feel comfortable (although I hope you do when you’re there!) We come to church to worship the God who gives us all comfort and hope.
