• It’s “Jazz Along the Brandywine” this Saturday night as Unionville High School hosts 12 high school jazz bands from 5 to 10 p.m. Styles will range from soul to swing to samba. The jazz bands will be judged on tone/blend/balance, interpretation, rhythm, precision, dynamics, intonation and improvisation. There are also awards for the three best soloists, and section awards for saxophones, trumpets, trombones and rhythm. Tickets for Jazz Along the Brandywine are $8 for adults; $6 for students and seniors. For more information, go here.
• Boy Scout Troop 260 of Concordville will be holding its annual pancake breakfast fundraiser on Saturday, March 3 from 7 a.m. to noon. The menu will include all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, coffee, hot chocolate, and juice. Pancake toppings such as whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate chips and blueberry sauce will be available at no extra charge. Adult tickets are $7; for seniors and children, $5.
• On Thursday, March 15, from 7-9 p.m., “Mind Your Ps & Qs” with this month’s Tavern Talks. Raise your cups with St. Benjamin’s Brewing and Brandywine Branch Distillers and join in the competition as to who can give the best toast. Learn about small beer and the original homebrewer, the housewife, from historian Dr. Clarissa Dillon. Author of Brewing in Delaware, John Medkeff, Jr., will also provide historical context behind your favorite tasty brews. Finally, weigh in to the debate as to what “Mind Your Ps and Qs” really means. Tavern Talks takes place at the Chadds Ford Historical Society’s Barns Brinton House, an historic 1714 tavern, located next to the Chaddsford Winery at 630 Baltimore Pike. Admission is $20 for non-members and $15 for members. Tickets must be purchased in advance over the phone, in person or online. All attendees must be 21 and older.
• Crozer-Keystone Health System will once again offer free screening and educational events across Delaware County this spring. The events will focus on stroke and colorectal cancer education/prevention. On Wednesday, March 7 from 5 to 7 p.m., there will be free stroke risk screenings in the Community Room at Crozer Brinton Lake, 300 Evergreen Dr., in Concord Township. Global Neuroscience Institute (GNI) physicians will be on site to participate. Light dinner will be served. Pre-event registration is required. For additional information or to register, contact Crozer-Keystone Community Outreach at 484-446-3647or 610-284-8158 or email debra.simon@crozer.org.
• The fifth annual used sports equipment sale at Unionville High School gymnasium is Saturday, Feb. 24, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Have equipment you wish to donate? They will also accept equipment donations on Friday, Feb 23 from 5 to 8 p.m. All proceeds benefit the UHS Diamond Club. The UHS Diamond Club is a member of the Unionville Sports Council, a 501-C organization.

• Dr. Erol Veznedaroglu presented the Global Neurosciences Institute local presence at Crozer Chester Medical Center to the Business and Professional Association of Western Delaware County. The key word is community. The procedures once only available at university medical centers are now available locally.
• The Brandywine River Museum of Art will hold a “Plein Air Inside and Out” on Friday and Saturday, March 2 and 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for members, $29 for nonmembers. Artists working in all media are invited to explore the vista from inside the Museum where they can sketch, paint, or photograph while staying warm. Participants may also enjoy sketching (with pencil) in the Museum’s galleries. Participants are responsible for providing all art materials (including drop cloths). Tickets may be purchased online.
• Penn State Extension is offering a spring workshop, Growing Edible Plants. Learn how to increase your backyard fruit and vegetable yield and incorporate edibles into your ornamental flowerbeds. These two presentations are suitable for beginning and experienced gardeners alike. Handouts and one on one advice will also be available. The workshop is 1-3 p.m. on March 18 at the Copeland School House located at 666 Copeland School Road, West Chester, PA 19380. Cost: $10 per person. Reserve your space now by registering online by visiting: https://extension.psu.edu/growing-edible-plants For more information call 610-696-3500 or email: mxh1135@psu.edu.
