Cathy Spahr, environmentalist, political activist, and mother to twin sons Charlie and Julien, announced her campaign to unseat Steve Barrar, Pennsylvania State Representative for the 160th House District.
At her formal campaign launch on Sunday, February 11, Cathy collected 109 pounds of donated food which she delivered to the Kennett Food Cupboard.
Cathy is running, “to fight for those without a voice and to bring government back to the people.”
Cathy is passionate about the need to develop and implement effective programs to tackle the opioid epidemic in Pennsylvania. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Pennsylvania had the fourth highest rate of death due to drug overdose in 2016 (37.9 per 100,000). She speaks from personal experience as a former addict who was incarcerated for drug possession. While in prison, Cathy realized she didn’t want to live the way she was living anymore. She credits her ability to turn her life around to, as she says, “God’s Grace.”
Cathy has three years of experience in constituent services for Newtown Township and is an active member of the Upper Chichester Democratic Committee.
Cathy started her organization, We Speak for the Trees, to raise awareness of the consequences of not protecting the environment in those with the power to enact legislative safeguards. Her goal is to hand deliver a copy of The Lorax, to every member of the US Congress and Pennsylvania Assembly. Cathy has completed deliveries to all U.S. Senators, all those Representatives with offices in the Cannon House Office Building and 100 Representatives in the Longworth House Office Building.
