• The preliminary hearing for Msgr. Gregory Parlante, formerly of St. Cornelius Church, was continued to Feb. 22. Parlante is accused of illegal drug possession and stealing from the church's Sunday collection.
• Chadds Ford Township supervisors announced Feb. 7 that the spring Roadside Cleanup and Recycle Day is Saturday, April 21. The township will also host the Chadds Ford Business Association breakfast meeting 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 8.
• Many Nations Chester County is the theme of a new exhibit at the Chester County Historical Society beginning Friday, Feb. 9. The exhibit will reveal many stories about the people who have made this community what it is today. From the first contact between the Lenape and European immigrants in the 1600s, Chester County has been part of the global community. By 1810, residents represented at least 10 countries of origin. By 1930, the number of countries numbered more than 40. Today, Chester County's diverse residents are measured by more than 60 languages and six continents. The opening reception begins 5:30 p.m.
• Get ready to shiver. The annual Polar Plunge to benefit the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance is this Saturday, Feb. 10, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Brandywine Picnic Park. Online registration is now closed, but people may still register at the event. Those interested in taking the plunge are asked to visit http://www.brandywineredclay.org/event/polar-plunge-2018/ to read the FAQ. Participation requires a $35 donation or $25 with a student ID.
• Winter activities continue at Darlington Arts Center with a preschool party and open house on Valentine's day, Feb. 14 and a second open house on Tuesday, Feb. 27. Call Darlington at 610-358-3632 for more information.

• It's the Chef's Table Caribbean Dinner at the Brandywine River Museum of Art's Millstone Café on Feb. 23 at 6 p.m. The cost is $100 for members and $110 for non-members. The Caribbean experience, presented by Chef MacGregor Mann, is a four-course feast designed to transport diners to the sunny shores of the Caribbean with the fresh and zesty flavors of the Islands. Work up your appetite with a stroll through the galleries of the Brandywine River Museum of Art between 6 and 7 p.m. Dinner begins at 7 p.m. and will include specialty cocktails and beer or wine paired with each course. For tickets, go here.
• They'll be talkin' Chocolate and Courtship at the Chadds Ford Historical Society's Tavern Talk on Thursday, Feb. 15 from 7-9 p.m. held at the Barns-Brinton House. Learn about dating back to the basics – 300-year-old. Guests will have the opportunity to watch chocolate-making demonstrations, receive courtship advice from Gen. George Washington, learn about dating in the colonial period and delight in historical chocolate pairings. Tavern Talks is a monthly experience (not a lecture) that focuses on unexplored aspects of early American history and culture. Admission is $20 for non-members and $15 for members. Tickets must be purchased in advance over the phone, in person or online as space is limited. All attendees must be 21 and older. Call 610-388- 7376 or online at http://www.chaddsfordhistory.org/events/tavern-talks/
• All Chester County veterans and veteran organizations are invited to attend the annual free breakfast, hosted by Chester County Recorder of Deeds Rick Loughery and the Chester County Department of Veterans Affairs. The event takes place on Thursday, Feb. 22, from 8:30 to 11 a.m. at the Chester County Public Safety Training Campus, 137 Modena Road, Coatesville, in the Academic Building. The breakfast is free to all Chester County veterans who register to attend and includes a special briefing by Congressman Lloyd Smucker on federal issues and a discussion on local services by Chester County Veterans Affairs director Lawrence Davidson. Any veteran who brings his or her DD-214 discharge papers to the breakfast will also be eligible to receive a veteran ID discount card from the Chester County Recorder of Deeds office. The veterans ID discount program offers savings at more than 100 business locations throughout the county. To register, Chester County veterans should email [email protected] or call Kayla at the Recorder of Deeds office at 610-344- 4083.
