Family Promise expands leadership

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Pictured left to right: Susan Minarchi, Angela Emrich, Carol Lowe, Richard White, Wesley Bowers, Michael Bell, Reverend Annalie Korengel, Dr. Burton Rothenberger, Thomas Houghton, Esq., Phillip Duncan, and Kimberly Zuleba. Missing from Photo: Karen Eichman, Esq., James Herr, and John Kriza.

Joining the Board of Family Promise are Phillip Duncan, Karen Eichman, Esq., Angela Emrich, Carol Lowe MSW, LSW, and Burton Rothenberger, PhD.  “An organization is only as good as the people leading it,” stated Family Promise Board president, Reverend Annalie Korengel.  “Our Board is a family of strategic thinkers and movers and shakers.  We all wear many hats—from governance and fundraising to public relations and finance—and are willing to rollup our sleeves and do whatever it takes to get the job done.”

The new board appointments bring vision and moxie. Family Promise of Southern Chester County (FPSCC), a volunteer driven nonprofit committed to helping families experiencing homelessness regain their housing, employment and their independence, is proud to announce the appointment of five new board members to its Board of Directors.

There are nearly 2.5 million children in the United States that experience homelessness each year.  FPSCC works with Southern Chester County’s most vulnerable families to provide temporary housing, meals, and the support needed to turn their lives around…because every child deserves a home.

Phillip Duncan is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at West Chester University. He is cofounder and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Autism Resource Center (SPARC), where he served as Executive Director from 2007 to 2013.  Mr. Duncan is an active member of St. Philips Lutheran Church in Wilmington, DE.  He sings with the Brandywine Valley Chorale, and, fueled by his passion for nature, volunteers at Mt. Cuba Center, a botanical garden located in Hockessin, DE.

Karen Eichman, Esq. owns Eichman Law PLLC, located in West Grove, PA.  Prior to establishing her law practice in 2012, Ms. Eichman served as the business manager for Kaolin Mushroom Farms.  She is an active member of numerous associations including the local bar associations, American Mushroom Institute, Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Rotary Club of Kennett Square and the Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce.  Eichman received numerous accolades ranging from “Volunteer of the Year 2012” (Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce) to “Top Lawyers” in Labor Law, Main Line Today Magazine 2014 and 2015.

Angela Emrich brings to Family Promise her passion for causes relating to homelessness and poverty.  She has devoted the past ten years volunteering extensively through Westminster Presbyterian Church to create, facilitate and implement programs and services to help the underprivileged.  She shares her time and talents by serving on outreach and youth vision teams, mentoring youth, as well as spearheading donation collection activities for local non-profit organizations.  Ms. Emrich’s civic engagement and commitment to making a difference in the community is represented by her volunteer work with Bridge of Hope, Church World Service and the West Chester Food Cupboard.  She has over 15 years of experience in the financial sector as tax director for De Lage Landen and as tax senior for KPMG.

Carol Lowe is a licensed social worker with over 25 years experience leading, managing and supervising professional staff in social services.  Ms. Lowe currently serves as executive director for New Life Youth and Family Services, a community-based program in West Chester, PA.  Her vast and versatile experience in the non-profit sector includes program planning, crisis and case management, as well as volunteer management.  She earned a Master of Science degree in Social Work from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Dr. Burton Rothenberger retired from Sunoco, Inc. in 1999 after 32 years in various technical positions.  He served as Technical Manager of Sunoco's Marcus Hook, PA, and Toledo, OH, refineries and as Director of Research & Development.  Dr. Rothenberger is an advocate for affordable housing and has had a long association with Habitat for Humanity.  He is a regular volunteer at Chester County Habitat’s ReStore in New Garden.  An avid gardener and promoter of the use of native plants, Rothenberger volunteers at the Brandywine River Museum and Winterthur as a gardener.  He earned a BS in chemical engineering at Lehigh University, a MS in chemical engineering at Carnegie Institute of Technology, and a MA and PhD in chemical engineering at Princeton University.

About Family Promise of Southern Chester County:  FPSCC is committed to helping children and their families experiencing homelessness in the Avondale, Kennett Consolidated, Oxford, and Unionville-Chadds Ford school districts.  Its goal is to help families achieve lasting self-sufficiency and stability by providing comprehensive case management services, as well as shelter and meals through a network of congregations and volunteers until they find sustainable housing.  Family Promise of Southern Chester County is part of a national, nonprofit initiative founded in 1988 with over 200 affiliates across the US changing the lives of families.  To volunteer, make a donation, or provide services, please contact Family Promise of Southern Chester County at or [email protected].


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