Multiple changes are taking place in Concord Township. A new township manager steps in while a council member steps out.
Township Council officially announced Tuesday night the resignation of Brenda Lamanna as township manager but welcomed Amanda Serock as her replacement. Serock was the manager in Chadds Ford Township for the past three years.

Council President Dominic Pileggi said Lamanna announced her retirement on Sept. 12, and it went into effect Sept. 30. Lamanna spent 22 years working for Concord.
Sept. 30 was also the last day for Serock in Chadds Ford. Her first day on the job in Concord was Monday, Oct. 2. Before working for Chadds Ford, Serock was the assistant manager in Swarthmore for five years.
Also Tuesday night, Council Member Gail Ryan announced her resignation from council effective Oct. 4. Ryan and her husband are moving to Delaware.
Pileggi said Ryan represented the people of Concord well. He and Council Vice President John Gillespie each said it had been a pleasure working with Ryan and that they would miss her.
Ryan was appointed to fill in for Dominic Cappelli who resigned in June 2015. She and former Supervisor Kevin O'Donaghue then ran for election in November and won. O'Donaghue resigned in July 2016 for business reasons.
Another resignation came from Michele Iacono who stepped down as Concord's representative on the Rachel Kohl Library Board of Trustees.
However, there was one reappointment. Pennie Scott was reappointed to the township Historical Commission. Her term ends Oct. 6, 2020.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.