A proposal for new homes on Ridge Road in Chadds Ford is now in the mix, but exactly how many there could be remains unknown.
The proposal is for the 32.8-acre area on Ridge at Ring Road. Anthony Dambro owns the property. Engineer Jim Fritsch presented a sketch plan to the Planning Commission for nine new homes in the R-1, 2-acre minimum, Zoning District.
However, there could be more than that should Chadds Ford Township adopt a new Open Space Conservation Design Option. How many more homes that could be built is unclear since the commission members only had a brief, and very general, discussion on the option during the Aug. 9 meeting.
According to Fritsch, the current plan calls for a conventional 2-acre development with no earmarked open space other than what would be on the individual lots. The plan also calls for on-site water and sewer.
But Fritsch added that Dambro is willing to work with the new option, should it pass within a few months to see how that might work. He said a wait of two to three months is acceptable but would not want to wait much longer than that.
Fritsch asked the Planning Commission some questions, specifically if public sewer and water might be available. Township Manager Amanda Serock said there are no sewer lines along that stretch of Ridge Road. She also said there's no public water there, either.
To that Fritsch said, "Then the open space design probably wouldn't work."
The initial draft of the open space development option says the purpose is to provide single-family development options that would work to preserve natural resources and conserve open space.
The option is applicable in the R-1 Zoning District and requires at least 10 acres. At least 70 percent of the designated open space must be undisturbed.
Planning Commission member Tom Singer said it could take about two to three months for the option to be developed and told Fritsch that the application comes at a good time. He said the plan and the option could be developed together.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.