• Concord Township Council Tuesday night took care of some housekeeping issues by voting to revise the conditional use agreement with Royal Farms. Royal Farms wants to build a convenience store, with gasoline service, in the split on Route 202 north of Smithbridge Road.
According to Council President Dominic Pileggi, two technical issues related to compliance with engineering and Historical Commission comments were inadvertently left out of the final documents. He explained that the oversight came about because of all the revisions that were made.
• Council also held a brief hearing on a revised sign ordinance. Pileggi said one of the changes allows for an increase in the size of dynamic message boards. The proposed change allows dynamic signs of up to 25 square feet instead of the original 10 square foot limit, he said. A decision is expected in September.
• Chadds Ford Township resident Carolyn Daniels addressed Council during the public comment period, thanking members for upholding Condition 19 of its approval for Pettinaro Construction's planned Shops at Ridge Road commercial development.
That condition requires Chadds Ford Township to approve proposed highway improvements before work can begin. Chadds Ford Supervisors' Chairman Frank Murphy has said he won't sign any such letter until he's satisfied resident concerns over traffic and safety were properly addressed.
Daniels told council members that hundreds of people in Chadds Ford are confused over what would happen should those improvements — which include widening Ridge Road from two to six lanes along a quarter mile stretch — go through.
Speaking for Council, township solicitor Hugh Donaghue said he the township could not comment because the matter is under litigation.
Ridge Road Development, the Pettinaro entity involved in the project, is suing both Concord and Chadds Ford townships to get Condition 19 removed.
