Creek Road is scheduled to close between Meetinghouse Road and Route 52 (Lenape Road) in Birmingham Township beginning Thursday, June 15, for construction related to an $8.6 million project to replace the structurally-deficient Route 926 (Street Road) bridge over the Brandywine Creek in Birmingham and Pocopson townships. Creek Road will remain closed through mid-August, according to a PennDOT press release.
During construction, Creek Road motorists will be detoured over Route 1 and Route 52. Local access on Creek Road will be maintained during the closure; however, Route 926 motorists will not have access to Creek Road.
PennDOT is improving Route 926 by replacing the 79-year-old bridge with a new three-span structure built at a higher elevation; rebuilding and raising 1,700 feet of the roadway approaches to make them less prone to flooding; replacing the nearby culvert over Radley Run with an 84-foot twin arch concrete culvert; and realigning 800 feet of Creek Road at its northern intersection with Route 926.
The new, aesthetically-designed bridge will be built to resemble the current structure and have stone form liners covering the piers so they resemble the existing piers. The structure also will include an open, higher railing. The new bridge is scheduled to reopen by September 1.
Following the reopening of Route 926, there will be one weekend in spring 2018 when Route 926 will close for the final resurfacing of the new bridge and culvert.
The existing four-span bridge was built in 1937 and rehabilitated in 1974. The steel I-beam structure is 190 feet long and 26 feet wide. The bridge, which is posted with a weight restriction of 26 tons and 33 tons for combination loads, carries approximately 13,200 vehicles a day.
