Messages from candidates for magisterial district judge have highlighted serious community issues and how they each intend to address them if they are elected. Unfortunately, the problems of bullying, oxycontin and other drug addiction issues, weapons violations and violence in our schools occur at the juvenile and adult levels throughout our seven communities. But a district judge cannot change that.
Jane Donze is the only candidate not promising to correct these issues if she is elected. She has already been doing it for years. A judgeship is not the position that can make these changes. What it takes are more people like her who have been addressing these issues through community and professional involvement well before announcing a candidacy.
Donze, a lawyer, has spent her adult life as a leader, an involved school parent, an advocate in various non-profit organizations, a member or volunteer for dozens of juvenile and minority initiatives and events, and an appointed arbitrator and certified mediator in the court system. Pre-candidacy examples are on her website, Donze4DistrictJudge.
The success of her efforts and influence are best evidenced by having raised two sons of outstanding character who went through our school system, by having the highest ethics rating of her peers, and by having community-wide respect for what she has accomplished for our younger generation. Future promises for her means she will continue to do what she has always worked for, with her consistent vigor, commitment and integrity. Because there is always more work to be done. Donze is No. 4 on your ballot. Vote on May 16. It matters.
Paula Scott
East Marlborough Township
