During a hearing on a proposed new ordinance for planned residential developments in the township, Chadds Ford Supervisors' Vice Chairman Samantha Reiner said, "A PRD is like trying to park a blimp in a bicycle space."
Reiner explained after the meeting that PRDs have grown out of the original intent.
“With the possible exception of Ringfield, what we’ve seen over the years in Chadds Ford Township is for PRD developments falling short of our vision of large, mixed-use development…What we’re getting elsewhere are basically ribbons along the parcel boundaries that, without multi-use trails, aren’t very beneficial to use or look at. In most cases, Chadds Ford is not gaining the preservation of large, substantial open space by continuing to allow smaller PRDs,” she said.
The proposal under consideration establishes PRD-1 and PRD-2 categories for R-1 and R-2 zoning districts. A lot size must me 100 acres for a PRD-1 and 50 acres for a PRD-2. Additionally, a road must not bisect the property, as was the case with the previously approved Wonderland Farms.
Two property owners spoke against the change at the hearing, held during the May 3 Board of Supervisors meeting.
Robert Craig owns a total of 107 acres at the intersection of Oakland and Harvey roads, but that acreage is split by Harvey Road with 57 acres on one side and 50 acres on the other side of Harvey. Craig said he opposes the proposed change because it removes an option for potential future development of his property.
Also against the change is George Watkins. His family has 36 acres in an area bordered by Route 202, Oakland, Harvey and Webb roads. The area crosses two different zoning districts, R-1 and PBC, or planned business center.
Watkins objects because the current minimum acreage for a PRD is 25 acres.
No decisions were made, and Supervisors' Chairman Frank Murphy continued the hearing to sometime in June.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.