• Pennsylvania State Police from the Embreeville barracks have been going through cold case files and are asking for help in solving a 47-year-old murder. On the morning of April 26, 1970, 11-year-old Terrance Bowers was found stabbed to death while on a Boy Scout camping trip from Upper Darby to St. Basil the Great Church in East Pikeland Township. Police said 29 members of Troop 275 had camped at St. Basil’s overnight on April 24 and 25. Someone attacked the boy in the early morning hours as the victim slept. Police continue to investigate and are asking the public to help. Anyone with information is asked to call the Embreeville barracks at 610-486-6280 or PA Crime Stoppers at 1-800-4PA-TIPS. All callers remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash reward. The Boy Scouts of America — Chester County Chapter — and the Cradle of Liberty Council have offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of whoever is responsible for the murder. The Bowers family is offering an additional $25,000.
• A state police report said Christopher Ada Jackson, 42, of Chester, was arrested for DUI after a one-car accident on Smithbridge Road in Concord Township. According to the report, Jackson’s vehicle overturned after shearing a telephone pole in half, trapping him inside. The accident happened at 5:50 p.m. on April 17. Jackson was taken to Crozer Medical Center complaining of chest and neck pain.
• A 25-year-old male from Salisbury, Md. — unnamed in the report — was arrested for drug possession following a traffic stop on Route 202 in Chadds Ford Township. Police made the stop at 8:34 p.m. on April 18.
• No injuries were reported following an accident on Route 1 in Chadds Ford Township on Sunday, April 23. According to a witness, one vehicle in the left lane of northbound traffic slowed to make a U-Turn at the gap in the median in front of the Berkshire Hathaway office. A second vehicle stopped behind the first, but was struck from behind by a third vehicle. No injuries were reported.
