Chadds Ford Township Supervisors’ Vice Chairman Samantha Reiner gave members of the Chadds Ford Business Association a brief update on several township matters during the CFBA’s April meeting yesterday.
The meeting in the Chadds Ford Township municipal building is the only morning session the business organization has and typically comes the morning after a supervisors’ meeting.
Reiner touched on the township’s deliberations in updating the comprehensive plan, an update the state requires. She explained that the comp plan is a vision document that establishes an idea of what the future the township could look like over a 10-year period.
She said the state requires townships to update the plan every 10 years and to look at it every five years. Any zoning changes should comply with the plan. Reiner added that a zoning task force is in place to look at the comp plan and consider new zoning amendments.
Among things under consideration are a new sign ordinance including a new temporary sign ordinance, she said.
In addressing the business community and acknowledging the importance of signs to it, Reiner said, “We are not your adversary, we’re your advocate.”
She said that the township is responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the township at large and needs to consider ordinances that would prevent signs from flying around in high winds and hurting people or damaging property.
Reiner also mentioned the loop road and how supervisors gave preliminary approval to The Henderson Group for the extension of Hillman Drive, the last segment of the loop around the intersection of Routes 1 and 202. While final approval has not yet been granted, the board did give the go-ahead for Henderson to begin installing a roundabout at the intersection of Hillman Drive and Evergreen Place.
She briefly touched on the situation regarding the Pettinaro commercial development at Route 202 and Ridge Road, but couldn’t go into detail because of the possibility of litigation involving both Chadds Ford and Concord townships, and Pettinaro. The property is in Concord, but on the border of Chadds Ford. A condition of Concord’s approval was that Chadds Ford sign off on any highway improvements done for the development. Chadds Ford supervisors have declined to sign off until traffic concerns are addressed. Changes include having the entrance to the shopping center on Ridge Road and that Ridge be widened to six lanes.
After Reiner spoke, Township Manager Amanda Serock reminded CFBA members that the annual recycling day and Civic Association Road Clean up would be April 22. A week after that, the Harvey Run Trail will officially open.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.