Chadds Ford Township supervisors have decided they want a roundabout for the intersection of Hillman Drive and Evergreen Place. Board members made the announcement during their Dec. 28 workshop.
There was no official vote taken, but all three supervisors, Frank Murphy, Samantha Reiner and Noell Barbone agreed they had reached a consensus.
That decision allows The Henderson Group to develop a fully engineered plan for the Hillman Drive extension which, when done, would complete the final segment of the loop road system around the intersection of Routes 1 and 202.
Supervisors gave preliminary approval for the extension in October, but reserved the option of choosing between a roundabout or a raised intersection with a four-way stop.
A special meeting was held Dec. 7 in which Fran Hanney, of PennDOT, and Marilyn Causey, from the Transportation Department of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District, both said they would prefer the roundabout because they are the safer option.
Causey said at the time that drivers only have to look to the left when approaching a roundabout, and that buses are more apt to be rear-ended at a stop-sign intersection.
Henderson Vice President Mark Eisenhardt said in October that, once his group knew what direction the supervisors wanted, it would take about a year for the final plan to be developed and approved. Once that was done, he said, actual construction would take about four months.
If that timetable holds true, Hillman Drive would be open from Route 202 to Route 1 across from Brandywine Drive within the first half of 2018.
In addition to extending the road, the preliminary plan showed an improved intersection at Route 202, with three lanes leaving Hillman, and one lane coming in. Those three outbound lanes would be dedicated with one each for left turns, right turns and straight through traffic. The same type of intersection would be at Route 1.
Additionally, the intersection of Route 1 and Dickinson Drive would be changed so there would be no left turn leaving Dickinson onto southbound Route 1.
Another change would prevent motorists who are traveling south on Dickinson from turning left onto Hillman. They would have to turn right and go around the roundabout before heading to Route 202.
Eisenhardt said Henderson would pay for the project.
Other business
• Supervisors will hold the state-required re-organization meeting at 7 p.m. on Jan. 3, but meet again the following night for their regular January meeting, also at 7 p.m.
•The Board’s January workshop is scheduled for Jan. 25, during which supervisors will conduct an ordinance review that will likely include a discussion on a sign ordinance amendment for temporary signs and a new property management code.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.