One of the most difficult parts of raising a teenager is helping him or her resist the urge and peer pressure to use drugs and alcohol. As a parent, educating yourself about drugs and the slang used to talk about them is key to identifying if your teen is talking about, considering trying or already abusing drugs.
Illegal Drugs
When it comes to teen drug abuse, most parents are concerned about so-called street drugs – drugs that are illegal but are relatively commonplace.
Street Drug Slang:
- Marijuana: weed, Mary Jane, ganja, herb, grass, green, 420, doobie
- Cocaine: coke, blow, nose candy, snow, powder, rock, dust, lady,
- PCP: angel dust, super grass, wack, rocket fuel, embalming fluid
- Meth: speed, chalk, tweak, poor man’s cocaine, uppers, biker’s coffee, trash, rocket fuel
- Heroin: gum, dope, H, black stuff, antifreeze, white horse, brown sugar, golden girls, junk, tar, big H,
“Club drugs” are those typically taken at clubs and bars. They can cause anxiety, panic, depression, euphoria, loss of memory, hallucinations, and psychotic behavior.
Club Drug Slang:
- MDMA: ecstasy, Molly, XTC, X, E, Stacy, roll, Adam, clarity, lover’s speed
- Rohypnol: roofies, ruffies, roche, roaches, La Rocha, R-2, Mexican valium, forget pill
- Ketamine: K, special K, vitamin K, breakfast cereal, cat valium, super acid, horse tranquilizer
- GHB: G, liquid ecstasy, grievous bodily harm, organic Quaalude, Gamma-OH, Georgia home boy
- LSD: acid, haze, sugar cubes, purple haze
Prescription Drugs
But it’s not just illegal drugs you have to worry about – over-the-counter medicine and prescription drugs are increasingly misused and abused. That’s because, when taken in higher doses, prescription drugs can mimic the effects of street drugs and are typically cheaper and easier to get access to since they’re not illegal and, oftentimes, are already in the drug cabinet at home.
Prescription drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs. There’s a risk of addiction, as well as for damage to vital organs when used long term at high doses. And, like illegal drugs, prescription drugs have a slew of slang terms and nicknames.
Prescription Drug Slang:
- Vicodin: vikes
- Oxycodone: roxies, oxy
- Ritalin: vitamin R
Warning Signs
If you think your child is using slang, ask yourself this: does this conversation sound like it’s about drugs? Also ask yourself if they’re only talking about cold medicine or pain pills, why do they need to use slang?
It’s a warning sign if your kids are using slang for drugs – one of the major signs of drug abuse is secrecy. Even if the drugs aren’t illegal, people abusing drugs know they’re doing something wrong. They have an instinct to hide the behavior from anyone who isn’t involved or may try to stop it, including you.
When it comes to teens and drugs, you may never be able to know every slang term since the terminology is ever changing. But that’s why it’s so important to keep the lines of communication open and talk to them about the dangers of drugs.
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists at Crozer-Keystone can assist with identification and planning of interventions for drug- and alcohol-related problem. Our services are quiet, calming and always confidential.

About Crozer Keystone Staff
Crozer-Keystone Health System’s physicians, specialists and advanced practitioners are committed to improving the health of our community through patient-centered, quality care across a full continuum of health services. Crozer Brinton Lake is Crozer-Keystone’s comprehensive outpatient care facility in western Delaware County, offering primary care, specialty services, outpatient surgery and advanced cancer treatment. Contact us: 300 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, PA 19342 1-855-254-7425
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