Around Town Dec. 8

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• Christmas in Miniature is underway at the Chadds Ford gallery. The annual event, the first of its kind in the area, began more than 30 years ago and features miniature art at more affordable prices than regular sized paintings. The event began Nov. 30 and runs through the end of the year. (See top photo.)

• State Rep. Barrar and state Sen. Killion will be hosting a public meeting with PennDOT officials on Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. at the Concord Township municipal building. Residents will be able to look at the final plans for section 101 and the current proposed plans for section 102 of Route 322, the Conchester Highway. The project is scheduled to begin in the spring.

• Chadds Ford Township supervisors will hold a special meeting regarding the commercial development at Ridge Road and Route 202 in Concord Township. The project was approved by Concord Township supervisors in 2009, but the property is just across Ridge Road from Olde Ridge Village in Chadds Ford. The special meeting is planned for 7 p.m. on Dec. 15.

The Mushroom Drop
The Mushroom Drop

• This New Year’s Eve, Kennett Square will again drop a 500-pound mushroom at midnight to bring in the new year. The Raising of The Mushroom occurs around 8 p.m. It is a great way for youngsters and those earlier-to-bedders to experience the Mushroom Drop as The Mushroom ascends to the sky to await its midnight countdown. New this year is a Mushroom Drop Party @ The Garage. The $10 cover charge includes access to The Garage all evening, and New Year’s Eve hats and noisemakers. General admission for this great New Year’s celebration is a nonperishable food item for the Kennett Food Cupboard. Alcohol is not permitted on the streets. Please do not bring any glass containers to the event.

• La Comunidad Hispaña in Kennett Square will host the Volunteer Income Tax Preparation program this January to help provide free state and federal tax return support. VITA volunteers are needed for tax preparation, quality control, interpreting, and greeting. Contact Donna Laird at 610-380-909 or [email protected]. Visit for more information.

• The Neumann University Center for Leadership is offering a free upcoming program on Cyber safety Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 8 a.m. to noon. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about real world, practical solutions that will help make their companies, families, schools, health care facilities, and other organizations safer. The session will be in the Mullen Communications Center Multipurpose Room at the Thomas A. Bruder, Jr. Life Center. Expert professionals from the law, education and digital technology will offer the latest tools, strategies and practices to anyone eager to prevent social media abuses and promote safe, effective and positive use of transformative, collective online communications. The session is free, but advanced registration is required. Go to to register.

• The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls’ 2017 Core Grants application cycle is underway. CCFWG’s grant-making programs will award $213,000 total in grants this year. The grant application and guidelines are posted on CCFWG’s website at All applicants must adhere to the requirements found on the website.  The deadline to apply is Jan. 13. The objective of CCFWG’s grant-making activities is to create positive impact in the organization's community-identified priority areas for women and girls, which includes promoting health and wellness by addressing needs specifically related to the health of women and girls.

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