The holiday season is a joyous time for most, but for those facing life threatening illnesses and unexpected emergency situations, it’s anything but joyous.
This season, Blood Bank of Delmarva is reminding everyone in our community that the need for blood never takes a holiday and that incidences where massive amounts of blood are needed to save lives can happen in the blink of an eye. “No matter what the season, we must be prepared to help hospital patients and those who may suffer some type of trauma over the holidays,” said Michael Waite, director of marketing and community elations for the Blood Bank, in a press release.
To assure that donors don’t forget to drop by and make the most personal gift of all, BBD is introducing a “Holiday Heroes” campaign that runs from Dec. 1 through Jan. 2. Everyone who donates blood at any of the Blood Bank of Delmarva donor sites or mobile locations will be eligible to win the grand prize of having their holiday bills paid — up to $1,500. Every donor will also receive a collectible ornament and be recognized at each location as a true holiday hero.
“We wanted to infuse some fun into this campaign” according to Rachele Allison, BBD’s manager of donor services, “so we’ve planned a number of different things to celebrate the holiday and the dedicated people who donate blood. We’ll have weekly drawings for $100 in Holiday Cash, an ugly sweater contest for donors and staff, hot chocolate and Christmas cookies on select days in our canteens and a few other surprises.”
To find out more about how you can give the greatest gift of all this holiday season, call 1 888 8-BLOOD-8 or visit
