The Nicholas Newlin Foundation is calling all visual artists, poets and musicians to share their visions of the Newlin Grist Mill and surrounding park for “Lenses on Newlin,” an annual community art show.

Artists are invited to submit their original artwork, drawing inspiration from the unique environmental and historic components of the 160-acre property, said a foundation press release.
A panel of judges will review submissions, and selected pieces will be publicly exhibited in the Visitor Center at Newlin Grist Mill. The judges will choose a winner in two categories, amateur and professional, each of whom will receive a cash prize of $50. People’s choice winners in each of those categories will have their works featured on the Newlin Grist Mill website.
Entry forms and accompanying submissions must be dropped off at Newlin Grist Mill with a non-refundable application fee of $5 per piece. The deadline for submission is Oct. 19, at 5 p.m. Artists chosen to display will have the option to sell their work during the art show exhibition, with Newlin Grist Mill retaining 15 percent of the sales to help fund future programs at the site.
This year, a new digital component is being added to the art show and contest. Instagram users can submit photographs by tagging them #lensesonnewlin, and selected photos will be displayed in a digital slideshow in the exhibit gallery. The Instagram contest will offer a $50 cash prize to the judge’s choice, and the digital people’s choice winner will have their photo featured on Newlin Grist Mill’s website.
“Lenses on Newlin” will open to the public on Nov. 19, at 2 p.m. The show will run through Dec. 31 and is free during regular Visitor Center hours. More information about the art show, submission guidelines, and submission forms can be found at
