• Annalisa Szymanski, of Chadds Ford, earned Dean's List honors at Saint Joseph's University for the Spring 2016 semester. Szymanski studies business intelligence & analytics in the University's Haub School of Business. Students must achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or above, a B or greater in all their classes, and complete at least 15 credits to earn dean's list status for a semester.
• Jesse Saran, of Chadds Ford, made the Dean's List at the Rochester Institute of Technology for the spring 2016 semester. Saran is studying computer science. Degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean's List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.4; they do not have any grades of "Incomplete", "D" or "F"; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours.
• The National Merit Scholarship Corporation has announced the final group of scholarship winners, bringing the number of 2016 National Merit Scholars to more than 7,300. These distinguished high school graduates include Ryan A. Margolin of Chadds Ford, a Unionville High graduate who will attend Clemson University, where he expects to study law; Jasmine Lee Cheung, a Garnet Valley graduate from Glen Mills, who plans to study biology at Rutgers University; Randall P. Mueller, a Glen Mills resident who attended Salesiamum School and plans to major in economics at Fordham University; John K. Libert of Landenberg, a Kennett High graduate who is headed to Case Western Reserve University to pursue a career in biomedical engineering; and Matthew H. Marcelli of West Chester, who went to Bayard Rustin High and will pursue studies in chemical engineering at Penn State.
