The Republican candidate for Pennsylvania’s 19th District Senate seat has challenged his opponent, state Sen. Andy Dinniman, D-19, to a series of debates hosted by local news outlets and the League of Women Voters.
In a press release, Jack London extended the invitation, along with a list of more than 25 potential dates, to Dinniman, who has held the seat since 2006.
Reached for comment, Dinniman said he was somewhat surprised by the request.
"There is no need for him to challenge me or anyone else to a debate," Dinniman said. "We always have debates. The League of Women Voters always schedules such debates, usually about a month before the election. I've always participated and hope to participate once again."
Dinniman said in the past many Republican incumbents in Chester County have declined to participate. "I trust that Mr. London will strongly urge each Republican to participate in the debates involving their races," Dinniman said.
In London's press release, he said Dinniman has represented the 19th district for 10 years "but has failed to really tell us where he stands on issues that matter to the region. The voters should demand that we answer their questions and not settle for answers solely through tweets, posts, and press releases. That’s why I am asking Sen. Dinniman to participate in series of debates throughout this campaign.”
London said his background as a former police officer and professional athlete, combined with a 20-year business career in the financial sector, offered a stark contrast to his opponent, "a career politician with zero private-sector experience.”

I don’t know how recently Mr. London moved into the district but anyone living here for the past 10 years knows that Andy is very involved with the community. We had a problem and he and his office were right there for us. Andy has never failed to let us know how he feels on the issues. I don’t agree with him all the time but that’s ok. He’s there when we need him.
I’m all for more debates! I look forward to seeing Mr. London and Mr. Dinnaman discuss their differences on stage. In my opinion, one debate isn’t enough. I want to see multiple so I can really get a feel for the candidates. More debates are better for democracy and better for our political process.
I like Jack and good for him challenging Dinniman. Jack came to my door a couple weeks ago and he seemed not only passionate about running but also eager to enact change in Harrisburg. I think Dinniman has had the seat for long enough, Jack has fresh ideas.
Know Dinniman, like him. OK, in my book. Never heard of London. Funny that he issues a press release saying “voters shouldn’t settle for answers solely through press releases.” Sounds like he needs Andy to come out in order to get anyone to listen to what he has to say.
There isn’t one stand on any issue on London’s website. Not one issue. If he has fresh ideas he might want to jot them down on his website so the voters can hear about them.
To me he’s not a credible candidate if he can’t say what he stands for.
This rhetoric of not knowing what Andy stands for — that voters should demand answers — really??? He’s very clear on what he stands for. London sounds like another guy running for office with lots of accusations and nothing of substance.
I like Andy. He’s tried and true and that’s what I want in representation. He’s got my vote.