Kennett Township and the Borough of Kennett Square want to hear from those who live or work in either place.
The consultants working on the Historic Kennett Square Economic Development and Implementation Plan have prepared a survey and are seeking anonymous input about the area’s strengths and weaknesses as well as its threats and opportunities. They would like this feedback prior to a community meeting on Thursday, April 7, at 7 p.m. in the American Legion Building.
This community meeting will be the second of three public meetings the consultants are hosting throughout the process of creating a strategy and implementation plan for economic development in the study region.
At the first public meeting, the consultants introduced the overall project concept, their team and their work plan going forward. They also presented some initial findings related to market, real estate, and demographic analysis.
Todd Poole, the founder of 4ward Planning, and Mark Keener, the director of urban design for the RBA Group, were hired last year by Historic Kennett Square, the Borough of Kennett Square, and Kennett Township to help set priorities for where and how the region grows, the continuation of the borough’s revitalization, and the protection of the area’s natural, rural and historic heritage.
A Vision Partnership Program Grant from the Chester County Commissioners, administered by the County Planning Commission, is funding part of the $60,000 study. The remainder will come from Kennett Township, Kennett Square Borough, Historic Kennett Square, Genesis HealthCare, and Longwood Gardens
Those who missed the first presentation, which was held on Feb. 11, can access a PDF version of the program by clicking here. Be forewarned the file is large and will take time to download.
If you live or work in the Borough of Kennett Square or Kennett Township, click here to complete the survey.
