It may not be time to spring forward yet, but The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County (TLC) wants parents to start thinking about spring, particularly spring break.

TLC is offering outdoor nature camps over the spring holiday. Children will explore the waters, land, sky and insects as this year’s camp themes. The day camps will be held on March 21, 23, 25 and 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the private Bucktoe Creek Preserve (432 Sharp Road, Avondale, Pa). Children ages 5 to 12 are welcome.
The cost for the camps is $5 for TLC members and $10 for non-members. Space is limited; for registration and information visit or contact Hannah Greenberg at 610-347-0347, ext. 104.
TLC is a nonprofit whose mission is to ensure the perpetual preservation and stewardship of open space, natural resources, historic sites, and working agricultural lands throughout Southern Chester County.
