Natural Lands Trust and the Chester County Association of Township Officials (CCATO) are calling for nominations for the Growing Greener Communities Award, which honors conservation-minded accomplishments by townships in Chester County.
The Natural Lands Trust Growing Greener Communities Award was developed in 2013 to recognize municipalities that have engaged in dynamic initiatives to save land, steward natural resources, or connect people to nature. The awards will be presented at the spring CCATO conference on March 10, according to a press release from Natural Lands Trust.
“Chester Counties’ communities have been true leaders in open space preservation, smart growth, and sustainable environmental policy,” Molly Morrison, president of Natural Lands Trust, said in the release. “We believe it’s important to recognize the excellent work happening at the township level and celebrate the dedicated officials, staff, and volunteers who make it possible.”
“CCATO is pleased to be able to highlight the efforts and true dedication of our local government members, the County of Chester, and Natural Lands Trust in the area of open space preservation and maintenance,” Ernie Holling, president of CCATO, said in the release. “Efforts to preserve open space will help to maintain the character of Chester County for years to come.”
Last year, West Pikeland Township received the Growing Greener Communities Award in recognition of the municipality’s recent conservation achievements, including the purchase of a trail easement on 27 private acres of along Street Road, and hiring a landscape architecture firm to consult on a 67-acre property that the township bought in 2013, its largest open-space purchase.
Examples of qualifying projects include dynamic utilization of open space, such as a community garden or multi-use trail; efforts to care for land and water, such as a stream clean up, riparian buffer planting, meadow naturalization, or environmentally sensitive stormwater management; or progressive, conservation-minded planning, such as ordinances that preserve community green space or improve commercial corridors with shade trees and other greening elements
Details on the award program and nomination forms can be found on Natural Lands Trust’s website at, or by calling 610-353-5587, ext. 267. Nominations must be received by Jan. 15.

Certainly Concord Twp and Chadds Ford Twp wont qualify. They’re eliminating every bit of green space to cater to drvelopers and the corresponding tax $. Why is there no effort to set aside green space as part of approval? Cash donations accepted however. The entire corner of Brinton Lake and Marshall Road is the next to disappear when the new medical plaza oprlens in 2016.