There will be some new faces in area boards of supervisors come January and a new face on the Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board as well.

Noelle Barbone defeated Democrat Alan Horowitz for supervisor in Chadds Ford. Barbone topped Horowitz 521 to 386. She will serve the remaining two years of the Keith Klaver term. Klaver resigned from the board in January.
In an email Horowitz said, “Although obviously disappointed with the result, I am proud of the campaign we ran. Throughout the process, I remained focused on one thing, protecting our beautiful township. My sincere congratulations to Noelle and Samantha and I wish the entire board only the best as it works to address the enormous challenges — and exciting opportunities — facing Chadds Ford. I hope to stay closely involved going forward.”
Barbone was thankful for the victory.
“I want to thank Chadds Ford Township voters for their support and confidence by coming out to cast their vote for Samantha Reiner and me. I am looking forward to serving on the Board of Supervisors with Samantha and Supervisor Chair Frank Murphy. I will continue to work toward protecting and preserving Chadds Ford in my new position.”
Incumbent Supervisor Samantha Reiner, who was appointed to replace Klaver for this year, ran unopposed for a full six-year term.
Chadds Ford Democratic Party Chairman Jesse Sheppard congratulated the winners.

“I would also like to wish Noelle and Samantha the very best as Chadds Ford's newly elected supervisors, and encourage them to think openly and independently as they work to represent all the residents our township," Sheppard said.
Incumbent U-CF School Board Directors Carolyn Daniels and Gregg Lindner — serving Region C, Chadds Ford and Pennsbury townships — won re-election, but fellow incumbent Kathy Do lost to Republican John Murphy.
Daniels and Murphy ran as a ticket with Lorraine Ramunno, while Lindner and Do had Beverly Brookes, a former Republican committee woman in Pennsbury Township, as their running mate.
Daniels was the top vote getter with 1009 votes — 416 from Pennsbury voters and 593 in Chadds Ford. Lindner tallied 960 votes total and Murphy had 952.
Lindner said he was appreciative of the efforts Do and Brookes put into the campaign.
“It was a very close election. I am extremely proud of the Brookes, Do, Lindner team for the manner in which we conducted ourselves during the election and for the message we had for the community. Kathy Do has been an incredible advocate for those in the district during her tenure on the board and Bev Brookes stressed the need for respect in serving all members of the district. I could not have had better running mates and friends…We congratulate all those that will be serving in the upcoming school board from Region C,” Lindner said.

Brookes and Do congratulated the winners.
“Congratulations to Carolyn, Gregg and John for their victory. Now their work begins anew. I believe the district is going to be faced with significant growth in the next five years. Class sizes will be a major issue. As the older residents move out, younger residents with very young children are moving in. Everyone I talked to said they moved into UCFSD because of the schools. It will be up to the new board to face these challenges,” Brookes said in her statement.
Do said: “The opportunity to serve the families of Unionville-Chadds Ford on the School Board has been the greatest honor of my life. I appreciate all of those who supported my efforts to fight for what I believe to be in the best interest of our children. I offer my sincere congratulation to Carolyn Daniels and John Murphy on their victories. I know you will work hard for what you believe in as well.
Chadds Ford Republican Party leader Mary Kot had mixed feelings over the results. While pleased with the Barbone, Daniels and Murphy wins, she was disappointed that Ramunno didn’t get in.
“Unfortunately with the very difficult challenges we face in Pennsbury Township, and in particular, Crosslands, our outstanding candidate, Lorraine Ramunno, did not win. Her name was last on the ballot and this makes it even more difficult. Without all Lorraine Ramunno and her husband, Larry’s hard work, we may not have won the other two seats. Thank you so much Lorraine and Larry. You are wonderful teammates and it has been a pleasure working with you,” Kot said.
She also thanked all the candidates and volunteers who helped out on campaigns.
In other contested races, Republican incumbent supervisors Kevin O’Donoghue and Gail Ryan won re-election in Concord Township defeating Democrats Dan Foster and John Wellington.
O’Donoghue was the top vote getter with 2,365 votes while Ryan pulled in 2,348. Foster and Wellington received 1,575 and 1,561 respectively.
On his Facebook page O’Donoghue said, “Gail Ryan and I would like to thank all of our Concord supporters, residents, family and friends for supporting our run for Concord Township Board of Supervisors. We are extremely thankful and appreciative for our win... We look forward to serving the citizens of Concord for another six-year term. Gail and I are honored and humbled and look forward to continue to make Concord a great place to live and raise your family.”
Wellington and Foster issued a joint statement:
“Despite our best efforts, we did not prevail. We are proud of our campaign, the people who supported us along the way, and all of those who came out to vote in this critical election. This was an uphill battle, and our strategy was effective due to our opponent’s desperate tactics. We appreciate everyone’s support, and want everyone to know that we will continue our fight to bring integrity, transparency, and good governance to Concord Township,” they said.
In Kennett Township, Democrat Whitney Hoffman defeated Tom Moon 1,054 to 908.
Aaron McIntyre ran unopposed for re-election to the Pennsbury Board of Supervisors and in Birmingham Township, Michael T. Shiring ran unopposed to replace Bill Kirkpatrick as supervisor.
Come January, Pocopson Township will have what is believed to be the first all-female Board of Supervisors. Elaine Dimonte and Alice Balsama ran unopposed for supervisor and will join Ricki Stumpo on the board. They replace Georgia Brutscher and Barney Leonard.
Leonard was appointed in May of 2014 to replace Matt Read who served less than six months of a six-year term. Balsama will replace Leonard to serve out the remainder of Read’s term in office.
Dimonte replaces Brutscher for a full six-year term.
In other races, Carolyn Bunny Welsh was re-elected as Chester County Sheriff and District Attorney Tom Hogan also won re-election.
So did Chester County incumbent Commissioners Terrence Farrell, Michelle Kinchline and Kathi Cozzone.
In Delaware County, incumbent commissioners Colleen Morrone, John McBlain and Michael Culp were re-elected, as was District Attorney Tom Whelan who ran unopposed.
State Sen. Dominic F. Pileggi won a seat on the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas.
All results are unofficial until the election is certified. Results cited do not include absentee ballots.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.