In reading Alan Horowitz's “Op/ed” of Oct. 27, he seems to dismiss any importance of being involved in and caring about our community until one wishes to be elected. Attending his very first Board of Supervisors meeting this spring after living in Chadds Ford Township for more 12 years, and then being there only after (or perhaps because of) signing up wanting to run for a supervisor's position, is every bit amazing. Thus, how could I possibly regard his statement of being “passionate about our special town,” as ringing a bit hollow?
It would seem “passion” surrounding our country's democracy and representative form of government, not only at the local level, but at the county, state and national level as well, is similarly of limited importance, until now. Voting records indicate he couldn't find the time for such, and thus missed voting in about 15 of 22 elections since being a resident here.
However, it appears he now has a “passion” for you, the other citizens, to vote since he's running.
May I suggest that someone who actually shows a passion for our special township by volunteering personal time serving us over the years, as well as learning details to understand the major issues we will face, and is committed to our continued professional financial management, should be the one who deserves your “passion” to vote? Yes, that “passionate someone” is Noelle Barbone as supervisor Nov. 3.
Bruce Prabel
Chadds Ford Township
