Op/ed: The best board Chadds Ford can elect

In less than a week, Chadds Ford goes to the polls in one of the most important elections we've had in years. Throughout this campaign I’ve said that I hope to be elected supervisor for three core reasons: I am passionate about our special town; I understand — and have the experience to address — the unprecedented development challenges and preservation opportunities in front of us; and I believe in my heart that a Board of Supervisors comprised of Frank Murphy, Samantha Reiner, and myself would be best positioned to protect, enhance, and lead Chadds Ford at this critical time.

We are, without question, at a crossroads, and our choices are clear:

Would we rather be victimized by the development decisions of our neighboring towns or fight to protect the natural beauty that surrounds us and retake control of our safety, our daily commutes and our future?

Do we want to continue to despair over the dangers of Route 1 or seize the opportunity to create a walkable historic village that helps small businesses and strengthens our sense of community?

Will we default to voting for people because of their party affiliation or, instead, put partisanship aside and create the most inclusive, thoughtful, and effective Board of Supervisors possible?

In other words, can we create a truly walkable, driveable, and livable Chadds Ford? I believe we can. That's my vision. That's what I can help deliver as a creative and independent voice. That’s why I am so proud to have received the endorsement of Save the Valley.

My opponent Noelle Barbone, on the other hand, complains in a recent op/ed that she did not receive this endorsement and compares her attendance at meetings to mine. Unfortunately, she misses the point – this is not a contest about who has sat and listened in the most meetings over the last few years. My campaign is about ideas, about the future, and about applying the practical knowledge and experience I’ve gained as an environmental lawyer and business executive to make Chadds Ford the best it can be. I believe that’s what Save the Valley recognizes in its endorsement and that’s what I will bring to the board.

Ms. Barbone’s past service is certainly admirable, and we should commend her and all those who volunteer in big and small ways for our township. But over the course of this campaign she has failed to articulate what she would do if elected. In fact, she rejected my request to participate in a debate or community forum. Without more information, we can only assume she has no independent ideas or vision. That’s a real concern, given the crossroads we face as a community.

I would ask the people of Chadds Ford to welcome the new voices of residents like me, whose work and family commitments precluded daily involvement in the past, but who now have the time, experience, and perspective to devote to the business of the township. If elected, I promise to give Chadds Ford the undivided attention it deserves as we confront the tough challenges ahead.

Please do as Save the Valley suggests: vote for me and Samantha Reiner on Nov. 3. Let’s create the best Board of Supervisors Chadds Ford can elect. Thank you.

Alan Horowitz
Democratic Party candidate for supervisor
Chadds Ford Township

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rob Gurnee

    I reached out to Noelle on two occasions but she never responded. I explicitly stated that I wanted the opportunity to talk about her qualifications for and commitment to preserving open space in Chadds Ford. I expressly stated that Save the Valley was assessing whether to endorse candidates in the upcoming election, without regard to party affiliation, and that any endorsement would be based solely on what candidates would most likely to be effective in the battle against unwanted development. I was further dismayed when I heard that she refused to engage the issues in a debate.

    I did speak with Noelle at the polls during the primary and came away feeling that she was not passionate about open space and not particularly well informed about strategies to protect it.

    Rob Gurnee
    Save the Valley

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