I am writing in response to Lisa Carman’s recent letter questioning the candidacy of Beverly Brookes for UCF School Board. Since Ms. Carman is new to the district, perhaps she is not aware of all of the facts. Two clarifications:
First, Bev has never hidden the fact that her daughter is a teacher in the district. I met her earlier this year, and it is one of the first things she told me. She tells it to voters all the time, and has always said that she will recuse herself from any vote that directly impacts her daughter, and would not participate in contract negotiations. (The board's contract negotiation committee only includes three out of the nine board members, and will not need to negotiate another teacher contract for four years!)
Bev’s teacher daughter tells everyone that she is exceedingly proud of her Mom for stepping up to run for the School Board. Certainly, the press is aware that Bev’s daughter is a Patton teacher.
Second, Ms. Carman is probably not aware that when our Board President Vic Dupuis, was first elected in 2011, his daughter was also a teacher in the school district, and he has always been considered to be an extremely effective school board member.
Bev is running on a bi-partisan ticket with Kathy Do and Gregg Lindner. I really hope that Ms. Carman’s letter was just a statement from a misinformed resident and not the beginning of a partisan attack against a very honorable woman.
Amy Baram
Pocopson Township
