Public invited to hear buzz on vital pollinators

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The Land Conservancy of Southern Chester County will host Open Hive Day on Saturday, Oct. 3, at New Leaf Eco Center in Kennett Square.

As bees and butterflies face a variety of man-made threats, the Land Conservancy of Southern Chester County (TLC) is hosting a Pollinator Weekend, which is designed to raise awareness and offer steps residents can take to protect these vital resources.

A bee demonstrates its vital pollination process on a tomatillo flower.
A bee demonstrates its vital pollination prowess on a tomatillo flower.

On Saturday, Oct. 3, Bucktoe Creek Preserve (432 Sharp Rd., Avondale, Pa.) will be the site of an expedition from 9 to 11 a.m. Come explore the preserve, keeping a sharp eye out for migrating hawks, songbirds, and maybe even monarch butterflies. Bring your binoculars, or use ours. This program is recommended for kids and families and cost $5 for TLC members and $10 for non-members, a TLC press release said.

Open Hive Day will also take place on Saturday, Oct. 3, at New Leaf Eco Center, located at 776 Rosedale Rd., Kennett Square, Pa., 19348. Join TLC Apiarist Dan Borkoski for an inside look at the busy, buzzy world of honeybees.

The program will include a close-up look at a hive during routine inspection while gaining practical beekeeping knowledge.  Don’t miss this great opportunity for non-beekeepers, prospective beekeepers, and new beekeepers interested in seeing another apiary. Protective veils will be available. If you have your own gear, please bring it. The cost is $5 for members of TLC and the Chester County Beekeepers Association; $10, for non-members.

“More Than Flowers: Gardening for Pollinators” will show residents how they can offset the habitat losses, pesticide use and diseases that have afflicted many domestic bees, native bees, and butterflies, which are experiencing alarming losses in their populations. On Sunday, Oct. 4, from 3 to 5 p.m., Penn State Extension Master Gardener and Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Nancy Gaspari will lead the free program, which will be held at the Kennett Township Building (801 Burrows Run Rd., Chadds Ford, Pa., 19317).

Pollination accounts for sourcing one third of our food supply as well as many other important ecological services and resources. Gaspari will offer tips on what residents and the community can do to help pollinators by planting pollinator-friendly gardens.

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